On-Demand Circular Fashion Marketplace = Ultimate Fit & Zero Waste

October 20, 2021 3 min read

On-Demand Circular Fashion Marketplace = Ultimate Fit & Zero Waste


Closing a 50% Untapped Market Gap of Women Ready for Inclusion. 

Simple Chic is leading the way in solving two of the fashion industry's biggest problems.  Serving the untapped market of women which continue to be excluded from accessing fashion labels due to size limits, and at the same time, solving fashion's over-production and textile waste problem.

The fashion industry's ready-to-wear inventory based model presents major challenges for women due to ever changing clothing sizes from brand-to-brand and sizing caps, which stop at the average size for many women.  Select fashion brands offer petite and plus sizes but the design styles are very limited; whilst ethical and circular fashion options are even more scarce.

Over production in the fashion industry is well beyond demand, with 80-100 billion items of clothing produced annually, a 400% increase in the last two decades.  Clothing has become disposable, with on average consumers purchasing 27kgs annually and sending 23kgs to landfill.

The problem is further exacerbated by the fashion industries use of synthetic fibres, now representing over 60% of the clothing produced.  Synthetic fibres are a non-renewable resource derived from fossil fuels.  Each time we wash our clothing microplastics are released into our rivers, oceans and into our own food systems - with fashion now contributing 20-30% to global microplastics.

Simple Chic is an On-Demand Circular Fashion Marketplace, taking it one step further by offering women semi-custom and custom clothing options.

This ensures women of all body proportions and physical disabilities are catered for and not excluded from accessing the fundamental need for clothing which fits, functions as needed and is aesthetically beautiful, culturally relevant or on-trend.  Simple Chic is evolving the industry to mass-personalisation and zero waste through an on-demand model vs mass-production leading to textile waste and going to landfill.

We believe body inclusion, design choice and circular fashion should not be mutually exclusive. Unlike many fashion labels only catering to one or the other, Simple Chic is all inclusive - one destination for all women.

Simple Chic's innovative digital platform connects women with local women-led designers and artisan makers to ensure all women can access semi-custom and custom designs in 100% natural fabrics or deadstock materials.  Plus, extend the life of the clothing already in their wardrobe through upcycling, alteration and repair services available through the online marketplace.

Slow and ethical designer-maker Jane Ziemons, and artist behind womenswear label Melaleuca Rise, says: "My work is about recognising all those differences, they’re what make us individual and our clothes should reflect that even if it’s through the smallest alteration. Simple Chic heralds and celebrates that uniqueness too, that every body is the perfect body when you have something made for you. It’s a beautiful connection with my brand.”

For an immersive experience, Simple Chic's My Design digital fashion platform enables women to co-create their own designs. These are made in a choice of 100% natural fabrics and semi-custom on-demand by Simple Chic's local manufacturing partner Mantua Sewing Studio; a local social enterprise employing and drawing on the sewing expertise of women from refugee and migrant backgrounds living in Australia. 

Simple Chic’s business model is built on the dual foundations of an on-demand economy and circular economy principles.  "As local and global citizens we believe we have an opportunity through our business model to eliminate fashion's impacts on: women's issues, textile waste and microplastics." said Mira Mikosic, Founder & CEO of Simple Chic Women.

Simple Chic is ready for growth to serve an untapped market of women ready for inclusion and to lead the way to zero textile waste through on-demand production. 

To support Simple Chic's growth strategy they are now seeking like-minded investors to join them and seize the market opportunity whilst shifting the fashion industry to zero textile waste. 

Simple Chic's Expression of Interest for investment is now open through Birchal's Equity Crowdfunding platform. 

Expressions of interest are welcomed from both everyday investors (with starting investments from $100 to $10,000) as well as wholesale investors.

Register to receive early access to Investment Offer Document.

Learn More & Register Today


* You must always consider the general CSF risk warning and offer document before investing.




For more details contact:

Mira Mikosic - Founder & CEO, Simple Chic Women

eMail:  mira@simplechicwomen.com

website: simplechic.com


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